Facebook – Desktop Right Column

Desktop Right Column refers to the ad placement option where an ad won’t appear in News Feed, but instead appears in the right-hand column in Facebook. Right Column ads are only available for desktop placement, not mobile. Continue reading Facebook – Desktop Right Column

Facebook – Ad Set

An ad set includes one or more ads, a budget, and a schedule. You can create an ad set for each of your audience segments by making the ads within the ad set target the same audience. This will help you control the amount you spend on each audience, decide when each audience will see your ads, and see metrics specific to each audience. You can also decide where the ads within the ad set appear on Facebook. Continue reading Facebook – Ad Set

Facebook – Cost Per Action (CPA)

This is the average amount that you’re paying for each action people take on your ads. What you pay depends on who you’re targeting and how many other advertisers are competing to show their ads to your audience. Well-designed ads will encourage more people to take an action; the more actions you get for your budget, the lower your cost per action will be. Continue reading Facebook – Cost Per Action (CPA)

Facebook – Campaign

Your campaign revolves around the advertising objective you have decided on, like Clicks to Website, Brand Awareness, or Mobile App Installs. As you set up your campaign, you’ll create one or more ad sets to help you optimize and measure your results for each of your advertising objectives. And within each ad set are the ads themselves. All the ads in one ad set share the same daily or lifetime budget, schedule, bid type, bid info, and targeting data. Continue reading Facebook – Campaign